- Introduction and Welcome
- Full Agenda
- Albert Bifet (Telecom-ParisTech) – Machine Learning for Data Streams
- Alexey Potapov (ITMO University) – Modern approaches to AGI: what is the shared core problem?
- Andrew Fast (CounterFlow AI) and Eric Leblond (Stamus Networks) – Towards Threat Hunting with Machine Learning
- Annelie Heuser (CNRS-Irisa-Tamis) – Machine learning techniques for side-channel analysis
- Benjamin Smith (Ecole Polytechnique and INRIA) – qDSA: Compact Kummer signatures for IoT and other small devices
- Cedric Tessier (Quarkslab) – Automatizing vulnerability research
to better face new software security challenges - Chris Rijnders (Cogisen) -Sparse Temporal Models in the Frequency Domain
- Emmanuel Prouff (ANSSI) – Deep Learning for Embedded Security Evaluation
- Francois Sausset (Thales) – Privacy and Machine Learning
- Jon Crowcroft (Cambridge University, Alan Turing Institute) – Privacy-Preserving Analytics in and out of the Clouds
- Martin Lee (Cisco) – Talos Protecting Your Network
- Niall Adams (Imperial College London) – Unsupervised streaming cyber-analytics
- Olaf Maennel (Estonian Institute of Technology) – Serious Games in the Wild
- Pei Wang (Temple University, Philadelphia) – Integrated Commonsense Reasoning and Learning Using Non-Axiomatic Logic
- Romain Alleaume (Telecom-ParisTech) – Quantum Technologies Impact on Cybersecurity (and AI)
- Thomas Given Wilson (INRIA) – (Un)Supervised Learning for Malware with quickSpan
- Vijay Ramakrishnan (Cisco) – AI-Enabled Conversational Products: State of The Art